Saturday, June 5, 2010

Welcome to the jungle

I am taking advantage of the sunshine every chance I get, so today I went with a very nice Swiss family to the Rio Blanco Ecological Reserve. This place is incredible and very important. The river provides 40% of the water supplies for Manizales, and it is reputed to be the cleanest water in the world. It is also a biodiversity hotspot with hundreds of different kinds of birds and butterflies, not to mention the insects, mammals, and plants.

I missed the toucan, but I did see some other parrot-type birds, some loras, and tons of hummingbirds at the top. There are a couple of buildings for people to hang out, take photos of the hummingbirds at the feeders, and use as a base for their ecological studies. There was a photography class there at the time, and I hope they got some better photos than I did. I had much more luck with the flowers, which were not afraid of me and didn't move so quickly. I heard one type of bird that is apparently notorious for being rare AND difficult to see. They say that the call is saying "compra pan!" (buy some bread!) and that the other bird responds "ya compre!" (I already bought it!). I also saw a bear that they have in an enclosure there, but apparently he was a bit upset from a recent medical exam and was hiding out too far for a photograph to pick him up. Sorry!

It was quite warm out, but the scenery was amazing. The tour guide lives at the top of the mountain, and I must say that it seems to be a pretty idyllic place to live. The road is long and a bit rough to get there, but if you want to get away and be surrounded by plants and birds it is a great choice. For now, I'm going to get some work done tonight so that I can justify another excursion tomorrow to the Sierra Nevado del Ruiz...

Also, can I just say that my hostel is fantastic? I had the dorm room to myself, but since a bunch of guys are coming in this weekend they let me move to another room with only 2 full-sized beds and a much better view. They didn't have to do that, but they didn't want me to feel uncomfortable. People in Colombia are seriously over-the-top with the hospitality and the niceness.

Swiss dad (Oliver), tour guide (Albierto), siblings (Marisa and Bastian), and me.

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